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Our Company

Iolyx Therapeutics is transforming the standard of care for ocular disease at the intersection of autoimmunity and ophthalmology. Utilizing innovative pathways and tailored formulations for precise delivery to relevant tissues, Iolyx products are designed to target ocular inflammation at its source. The ultimate goal is to develop targeted therapeutics that offer superior efficacy, safety, and convenience compared to traditional steroids and immunosuppressants, which have significant limitations and short and long-term side effects.

Our Focus

Ocular Surfaces &
Anterior Compartment Diseases

Autoimmunity plays an important role in ocular health, with most autoimmune diseases creating concomitant ocular complications. “Front of the Eye” ocular diseases such as Dry Eye, Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis, Rosacea, and Uveitis are common amongst people with autoimmune disease, triggering Th17, Th1 or Th2 inflammatory pathways. Today, treatments for these diseases typically only target one or two mechanisms, and cause discomfort, or worse, significant side effects. Iolyx is focused on transforming the standard of care with immunological targets which should provide safer, more tolerable, and more convenient treatments for those who suffer from ocular inflammation.

  • Over 20 million Americans are affected by dry eye disease, 1 million by anterior uveitis, and millions more with allergic and inflammatory eye disease.
  • 81% of individuals with dry eye disease experience ocular pain, and among those with pain, 55% describe it as moderate and 13% as severe.
  • Severe cases of dry eye disease can lead to complications such as ulceration, scarring, and nerve damage and result in a significant loss in productivity and even mental health.
  • Uveitis contributes to 10% of blindness cases in the US, affecting around 30,000 patients annually.
  • Uveitis, even when treated, can recur, and long-term treatment with steroids can lead to cataracts, glaucoma, and susceptibility to infection.

Posterior Compartment &
Retinal Disease

Autoimmunity and inflammation also play an important role in retinal health including the layer of cells that sense light and send visual signals to the brain. “Back of the Eye” diseases such as Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Vein Occlusion, and Posterior Uveitis all have an inflammatory component. Today, treatments for these diseases tend to be limited to steroids or agents focused on vascular leakage with sub-optimal efficacy and safety. Iolyx aims to create targeted therapies at the source for the vitreous, retina, and peri-ocular environment to restore homeostasis for those who suffer from vision-threatening ocular inflammation.

  • Roughly 20M adults in the US have Age-related Macular Degeneration, ~1.5M with late-stage disease. Another 9.6M are living with Diabetic Retinopathy, 1.8M with late-stage disease. Late-stage disease can be acutely vision threatening.
  • The number of people with legal blindness or visual impairment in the US will grow by 21% and 25% each decade due to disease incidence and aging, to 2M legally blind and ~7M with impairment by 2050. Women and those over 85 years represent the most affected populations.
  • The cost of vision loss in the US is estimated close to $700billion.
  • Steroids when used in these diseases can cause an increase in rates of cataract, intra-ocular hypertension and glaucoma, and infection, as well as other side effects.

Sources: Kalangara 2017, Yang 2021, Nichols 2016, Minkus 2021, Husam Al-Ani 2022, Fung 2020, AAO Uveitic Glaucoma 2023, Khiangte 2019, NEI, CDC VEHSS, Bright Focus Foundation